First time ever! The greatest Magento conference took place in the Czech Republic. On the 31th of March in Prague Magento developers, merchants and IT-enthusiasts were brought together to discuss news in Magento world, eCommerce trends and new opportunities for businesses.
It was two days event with presentations and secret party the first day and workshops the second day. What can I said, secret party was awesome! Czech beer is something legendary, godlike potion ;) Speaking seriously, Neklo organized high level Magento event with tons of useful information.
Information loading got started with an hour talk of Ben Marks about new features in Magento 2 and what does it means for developers and merchants. Then there were a lot of speakers with business and technical talks. Among them Eltrino’s CEO Sergey Lysak took the stage to show some tricks and tell about benefits of multi-channel customer support and some magic recipes for eCommerce.
Actually, there were several tricks at MM16CZ and it really helps to involve audience. But the level of tricks becomes higher and higher. It seems Sergey have to take lessons from professional magician to amaze attendees at Meet Magento Germany 2016 where he is going to have talk about tips how to make implementation of third-party elements in Magento 2 in 5-times easier.
Magento 2 is over discussed at all Magento events during last year. People are interesting in the newest version of the most powerful eCommerce platform. As Pioneers Kyiv host we found really useful the presentation of Sergey Sundukovskiy about building eCommerce startups on the Magento platform. The startups theme is so close to us. So, thank you, Neklo for such great event, MM16CZ was full of benefits and fun!