We at Eltrino team prefer to work with Open Source platforms and we are not limiting our choice to a well-known eCommerce giants, such as Magento only. As we are struggling to provide full spectrum services for eCommerce area we were looking for a matching help-desk solution. We had no luck to find a perfect fit, since some of the offerings were not flexible enough, some were way too expensive. Have you heard a good old saying: “If you want something done right, do it yourself”? It’s true for many situations, so we decided to create our own flexible Open Source customer support software solution - DiamanteDesk.

In order to build a strong construction you need to find a stable base. In our case an Oro Platform. has been chosen without any doubts, since it was one of the most powerful BAP (Business Application Platform) solutions for that moment.

As Oro Platform is written on PHP and with some Symfony frameworks, it boosts development process significantly. It allows adding and implementing new features in an extremely fast and easy way, so you can create exactly what you want due to its unparalleled customizability.

Our choice saved as us a ton of time because there was no need to develop the admin panel or personalized menu structure, customizable reports, workflows, access control lists (ACL), advanced customizable grid functionality. All this stuff is available out-of-the-box, so it is a game changer for startups where timing appears to be the most expensive resource. You can focus on developing the functionality that will actually pay off and your app can be launched earlier than your competitors’ solutions.

Phil Knight, the Nike founder, in his book “Shoe Dog” said: “Hard work is critical, a good team is essential, brains and determination are invaluable, but luck may decide the outcome. Some people might not call it luck.”

As developers we know that the luck in building business apps is called “Open Source flexible platform”, so we are lucky to use it!

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